miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

C.L.I.L.and Growth Mindset course

Good morning everybody

Some information for all the C.L.I.L.- Bilingual project teachers, especially the non-language area teachers. Tomorrow, Thursday morning, the inscription will open for an interesting course aimed at dealing with  the issue of the diversity of levels and abilities in the bilingual classroom.

The course will be a three day intensive course from 17.00-20.00 Mon 12-Wed 14 November.
There are only 25 places as the course will take place in the Computer room.

Please remember if you are working on a P.E.B. to fill in the infomation about your bilingual project on the electronic inscription form.

Below is some of the information that will appear on the CEP page tomorrow.

This course is very hands-on and fun! Teachers will learn the techniques of Growth Mindset by practicing them. Jennifer Schmidt will demonstrate how to incorporate Growth Mindset into a unit plan by demonstrating it through music. Teachers will get first hand experiences Growth Mindset techniques through music.


       1. Gain an understanding of and practice techniques for promoting a growth mindset in CLIL   students
       2. Design effective course activities utilizing the main 8 mindsets
       3. Create material that incorporates metacognitive strategies and “learning to learn”
       4. Get personal and hands-on experience in developing your own growth mindset (for teachers during the course related to music)
       5. Use the components of transformational teaching and learning to construct activities and projects


Jennifer Schmidt has been a collaborator in the Teach and Learn program at the University of Alcalá for the past 10 years. She teaches masters level courses on learning theory, advanced teaching methods, and curriculum design. She specializes in CLIL, Project-Based Learning, AFL, Music and Movement, and Growth Mindset. She trains teachers at centers of formation in all parts of Spain and offers online teacher coaching. http://www.thecogentconstruct.com

Contents of the course

What is a growth mindset?

Transformational learning and teaching
Learning to learn - guiding students through the thinking process
Self-regulation / emotional control / self-awareness
Developing 8 Growth Mindsets
Positive thinking / overcoming obstacles
Problem-solving - problem-based learning
Effort, feedback, and dealing with mistakes
Metacognitive strategies
Using technology as a tool for “learning how to learn”

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