The timetable for Bridging the North is now out. You can click on the different talks.
It's completely free and it's a really impressive line-up. The registration link is in the image below.
The timetable for Bridging the North is now out. You can click on the different talks.
It's completely free and it's a really impressive line-up. The registration link is in the image below.
Kevin Salvage, Martin Merrett and Miguel Rivera keep on working hard on the recording of their weekly podcasts. Interesting topics to make us think, learn and laugh.
Don't miss them out. Click on the image below to access.
Hi all!
This is just to share all the information about the next Tesol Spain Convention 2024 in Cáceres.
Dates, location and timetable in the links below.
Great opportunity to learn about dfferent methodologies and experiences, didactic materials and fellow teachers from all over Europe.
Hi all!
Kevin, Martin and Miguel (English teachers at EOI Santander) are working together in a working group about ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND HISTORY PODCAST FOR EOI ADVANCED STUDENTS OF ENGLISH.
The trailer and the first 4 episodes are already published on Spotify and you can have access through the EOI website.
TRAILER: Twisting the Tale (EOI Santander)
1st EPISODE: 1900ish Literature. Elementary my Dear Watson.
2nd EPISODE: 1900ish Film. From Nickelodeon to James Bond.
3rd EPISODE: 1900ish Women. The Fight for the Right to Vote.
4th EPISODE: Food, Drink and a Trip to Jerez.
Each episode includes comprehension exercises to be used with your students.
MOre episodes coming soon!
Don´t miss them out. Well worth a listen.
This is just to welcome everyone to this new school year, hoping to offer interesting and useful training to ELT teachers of all stages.
I'd like to share with you all, an interesting joint event that will take place in Bilbao next Saturday September 30th. Free registration and amazing speakers, including talks for early and young learners, primary, secondary and adults.
Information about the event and registration form attached below. Just click on the image and enjoy!
Don´t miss it!!!!
El próximo miércoles 19 de abril, arrancamos con una formación para profesorado de francés de Secundaria, Bachillerato y EOIs, quedando abierta la inscripción a docentes de otras etapas que así lo deseen. El curso se desarrollará integramente en francés. El nivel requerido será mínimo de B1.
Os animo a participar de esta interesante experiencia. Un fin de semana cargado de sesiones de formación de la mano de ponentes maravillosos.
Have a look at the timetable. Here you have the link for registration. You will also find details about the different speakers at the Convention.
DATES: 10-12 March.
Come out and join!