jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

Integra eTwinning - nuevo curso de formación

Estimados compañeros

Pongo a vuestra disposición un comunicado de eTwinning España y el link para la solicitud.
El plazo acaba el 5 de junio.

Link para la solicitud

Link a la pagina eTwinning

Tal y como te adelantamos en la última reunión de seguimiento eTwinning CCAA-SNA, dentro de la 2ª edición de 2019 de los cursos tutorizados del INTEF, hemos incluido como novedad el curso Integra eTwinning; por lo tanto, en esta edición, no se ofrece el curso Proyecta eTwinning (cada uno de los cursos tendrá una edición en cada curso escolar).

El pasado viernes, 17 de mayo, se abrió plazo de inscripción en la 2ª edición de 2019  de los cursos tutorizados,  entre ellos: Integra eTwinning, que se desarrollará desde el 12 de septiembre hasta el 12 de noviembre de 2019.
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes finaliza el próximo 5 de junio de 2019 (23:59h).

Como en ocasiones anteriores y más si cabe en este caso, al tratarse de un curso nuevo, te solicitamos colaboración en el proceso de difusión del curso, con el objetivo de llegar al máximo número posible de docentes que puedan estar interesados en realizar el curso Integra eTwinning.  Te agradecemos de antemano el esfuerzo.

Datos de interés:
  • Curso más  avanzado sobre eTwinning (evolución de Proyecta eTwinning), centrado en integrar eTwinning en la práctica diaria docente, es decir, desarrollar tanto el currículo como las competencias clave a través de eTwinning.
  • Potencial audiencia: docentes, asesores y miembros de equipos de orientación con experiencia previa en eTwinning, no es necesario que hayan realizado previamente el curso Proyecta eTwinning; pero sí que tengan conocimientos básicos de eTwinning pues se obviarán pasos y fases iniciales de eTwinning.
  • 70 horas de duración, con certificado.
  • 500 plazas disponibles.
  • Al igual que en ediciones anteriores, con el objetivo de facilitar el procedimiento y que éste no sea un factor determinante, se ha simplificado el proceso de inscripción, no siendo requisito indispensable disponer de certificado digital (se puede acceder a través de registro como usuario en la Sede).

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019

Plazas para acoger a un docente extranjero 2019-20

Estimados compañeros

Hoy ha salido una convocatoria que ofrece la posibilidad de recibir a docentes de otros países europeos.

Resolución de 25 de abril de 2019, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Formación Profesional, por la que se convocan plazas para centros educativos de Educación Infantil y Primaria, Enseñanza Secundaria, Formación Profesional o de Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial que deseen acoger a un docente extranjero para el curso 2019/2020

Link a la información del BOE

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

Webinars for Language assessment (E.O.I.) and Art and Science for primary teachers

Dear colleagues

Two webinars in English that will be of interest to many teachers.

TEASIG Webinar with presenter: Dr. Neus Figueras 
« The CEFR Companion Volume: Uses and Implications for Language Testing and Assessment » 
Date: 15th May 2019     Time: 1700-1800 UK Local time (1800-1900 CET)

TEASIG’s second webinar of 2019 follows on from our very successful webinar in February where Rudi Camerer talked about the new CEFR Companion Volume (CEFR CV).  Neus will focus on how the CEFR CV may impact the field of language testing and assessment, in particular in the development and use of language certifications. This will offer further information and ideas aimed at teachers and testers with the chance to learn a little bit more about the new CEFR Companion Volume.

Neus Figueras started her career in 1981 as a teacherSchools in Catalonia (44 schools,40,000 students, 15,000 certificate exams every year) for over 20 years. She has been involved in a number of international research and development projects related to assessment at different education levels (Dialang, Speakeasy, Ceftrain, Dutch CEFR construct project, EBAFLS) and has given courses and presented in universities in Spain, in various European countries, in Asia and in the USA. She has carried out consultancy work in assessment (University of Bilkent, Turkey; BIFIE -Centre for Assessment and Innovation-, Austria; University of Saint Petersburg, Russia, Quiyas, Saudi Arabia) and in curriculum design (U.N. New York and Geneva).

She collaborates regularly with the Council of Europe in the uses and the dissemination of the CEFR in testing and assessment and is one of the authors of the Manual for Relating examinations to the CEFR (Council of Europe, 2009).

She is a founding member of EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment, www.ealta.eu.org), and was the first President (2004-7) of the Association. She is currently the coordinator of the EALTA CEFR SIG. She was granted the International British Council Assessment Award in 2015.

The webinar is free, does not need advance registration and can be accessed at: https://iatefl.adobeconnect.com/_a875541554/teasigwebinars/

In our next free webinar, we will be joined by Annie Altamirano who will be talking to us about: 
Using stories to develop Art and Science projects for Primary
on Thursday May 9th at 11am (CET)

Children enjoy listening to stories in their mother tongue and are familiar with narrative conventions. For this reason, storybooks can provide an ideal introduction to the foreign language as they present language in a repetitive and memorable context. Storybooks can also act as a springboard for a wide variety of related learning activities. 
In this session, Annie will present Arts & Crafts and Science ideas based on ‘The Little Red Hen’ that will help develop learners’ linguistic competence, observation skills, imagination and curiosity.

Annie Altamirano is a teacher, teacher trainer and author. She has given teacher-training workshops in Europe, Asia and Latin America. She has written courses for children and adolescents, and developed online and digital content for CUP, Macmillan, Pearson, Cengage and the British Council and is the author of Cambridge Global English Teacher’s Resource. She is currently the Vice- President of TESOL-SPAIN. She shares her ideas in her workshops and on the posts on her website Blogging Crazy http://bloggingcrazy-annie.blogspot.com.es/

TESOL Science registration link

eTwinning newsletter mayo

Cambridge seminar -Anne Robinson C (M.C.E.R.) level writing

Anne Robinson, the official Cambridge Assessment Seminar Presenter, will be giving the following Cambridge talks on 17th May. There is no fee charged for attendance.

Last year her talk was very well attended and attendees comment that they find the sessions useful and of great interest.

Details for this year’s seminar are as follows:

Friday, 17th May
3.30 - 4.50  C Level Writing
In this session, we will consider the levels of C1 and C2 and how we can help students achieve the right tone and level in their writing.

5.00 -6.15  Support, Challenge, Choice
In this session, Anne will share some key strategies and practical ideas to help create a positive and diverse classroom environment which supports learners and gives them a choice of activities.

Colegio La Salle
Avda. Camilo Alonso Vega, nº 33

Places are limited in line with the venue room.
To book your place for these seminars, please register via the following links:
C Level Writing:

link to register